Using the Q & A


Thanks to everyone for their contribution to theĀ Q&A section on the website. For those who haven’t had a chance to use it yet the tab sits just under the Online Courses tab on the main menu selection. It’s Free to use and invites anyone with a cake decorating question to post it to the site and with so many enthusiastic users providing detailed answers everyone is helping each other. It’s great.

On this week’s blog Paul adds his comments to three recent questions. How to sweeten the taste of dark ganache, where to get the chocolate we use and how to extend the shelf life of your cakes. Whilst we have a lot of experience to draw on we don’t have all the answers and sometimes its opinions rather than answers that are helpful.

Some of the answers may relate more specifically to the UK so apologies to our many overseas members. We will do our best to ensure its as inclusive as possible.

There’s a search facility on the page so have a look to see if your question has already been answered. Just to also mention that there are rewards for those answering most questions which include free membership for a 6 month period right up to free lifetime membership. Hope you find this useful.

7 Day Free trial