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asked February 22nd 2013

Water effect

Making a swimming pool cake, been reading up on tips, & piping gel is an option, not sure how to use, would I cover pool in blue fondant and put piping gel on top of fondant, or cover pool with paste made up with icing sugar & water, then paint gel/ confectioner’s glaze over it for water effect, bit confused on this one so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Making a swimming pool cake, been reading up on tips, & piping gel is an option, not sure how to use, would I cover pool in blue fondant and put piping gel on top of fondant, or cover pool with paste made up with icing sugar & water, then paint gel/ confectioner’s glaze over it for water effect, bit confused on this one so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Ashandiamo

If you search ‘piping gel’ there is an answer which may help. When I make water I use coloured fondant then add a tiny amount of white to piping gel to give the effect of movement. For your swimming pool you could paint the fondant with piping gel which will dry shiny giving it a water appearance.

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