Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 22nd 2013

renshaw and karen davies fondent

hi, when i cover my cake’s i always use the karen davies fondent, but expensive. i have tryed the renshaw in black but this stuck to my hand’s and and tore when i tried to cover my cake and left cracks the cake, is their something im doing wrong and what does paul use when covering his cake’s thank you 🙂 x


hi, when i cover my cake’s i always use the karen davies fondent, but expensive. i have tryed the renshaw in black but this stuck to my hand’s and and tore when i tried to cover my cake and left cracks the cake, is their something im doing wrong and what does paul use when covering his cake’s thank you 🙂 x


Hi annabel, I use Renshaw sugarpaste with no problems, and in the free tutorials Paul also mentions Renshaw and others, so I supppose it’s personal taste. Some people also use Supermarket sugarpaste also.


Hi annabel, have you tried covapaste it goes on really smooth & have got a lovley taste.


Hiya, i also use covapaste for normal cakes and find it very good. For special cakes I use SatinIce, bit more expensive than renshaws, but i have never had it tear or crack on me yet 🙂


thank you everyone i will give it all a try, i’ve never used satinice 🙂 xxx

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