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Best type of cake for carving.
Hello, I’ve just joined today so forgive me if this question has already been raised. Can anyone tell me which is the best type of sponge cake to used when carving. Would you use a Madeira, or is there anything that works better and are there any recipes on the site. Thanks everyone x
Hi Jude3011
Welcome to the site, you’ll find everyone is very helpful, don’t worry about asking questions which may already have been asked, once you get used to finding your way around you’ll find lots of information by using the search facility. Most dense cakes such as madeira are good for carving with the added bonus of having a longer shelf life. The site also offers Paul’s moist chocolate cake, Mrs Jone’s Victoria sponge, there is also a chocolate mud cake recipe in the tutorial library. If you type in the search box ‘madeira cake’ there are many questions, answers, and advice. In popular questions you can pick up many hints and tips on Paul’s moist chocolate cake and in this blog http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-make-chocolate-mud-cake information for the mud cake.
Members also discuss their experiences with recipes they have tried from baking books and from the internet.
Some of our members have also tried the Wright’s cake mixes with good results. I hope some of this information helps, you will get more answers and ideas. Happy baking. x