Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 25th 2013

Cake tin brands

Hello new here so I hope this is not too silly of a question
I have dabbled for years with making cakes but now what to step it up a bit especially as I have just moved to spain to open a campsite and seen the whole novelty cup cake/cake lift off. I was wondering on what type of cake tins to buy, I would like to buy some heavy based ones instead of the cheap ones it would have to be over the internet as here I can seem to find any and would prefer something recommended anyway. Thank you


Hello new here so I hope this is not too silly of a question
I have dabbled for years with making cakes but now what to step it up a bit especially as I have just moved to spain to open a campsite and seen the whole novelty cup cake/cake lift off. I was wondering on what type of cake tins to buy, I would like to buy some heavy based ones instead of the cheap ones it would have to be over the internet as here I can seem to find any and would prefer something recommended anyway. Thank you


Hello Twingo

I think you’ve decided well by avoiding cheaper cake tins which are not suitable at all for heavy duty use. There are several questions and answers on the site which may be useful to you, if you type in the search box ‘which cake tins’ you will see them. Paul discuses cake tins in the free section http://www.cakeflix.com/free-online-cake-decorating-courses and his advice is good to follow. I wouldn’t go by brand names as modern professional tins function pretty much the same. Different manufacturers will always claim their’s is the best. If you want to search the scientific processes which goes into producing them you will see the special coatings are the same. Each company has it’s own ‘formula’ with a different name to make it sound more special. Prices vary, however my advice would be buy the best that you can afford in the heavy duty range. Welcome to the site, good luck with your new venture and everyone is here to help. x


I’m just starting out too, so welcome from a fellow newbie!

I bought some of my tins from Sainsbury’s – their Taste The Difference Range as they are heavier than their standard range. Quite right to avoid cheap basic or value ranges – they will not last!

I also got some from Booker Cash & Carry (I think they have branches overseas or ship there, as on holiday I have seen their brands in cafe’s etc.

I know you can get professional tins too, and in the past when I ran pubs I used a company called Nisbets, but I do not know if they ship to Spain – worth looking them up on the Internet!

Hope all goes well with the campsite – you never know, you may get some fellow bakers there for a holiday (for research purposes, of course! 😉 )


Hello and welcome Twingo. I’ve only been here a few days too so don’t worry about asking questions. My personal choice is Circulon as I find they hold their shape and don’t warp like some do. I also have two 12 inch square Silverwood baking tins, the ones that you can make into multi size tins to save having loads of different sizes. I got them all from Amazon, it might be worth looking on there to see if they ship to Spain. Good luck.


Hello again and my apologies for waiting a whole month to say thank you, lack of time coupled with no internet connection due to bad weather (yes even in spain we had snow yesterday APRIL) meant that I never got back to your:) so thank you all very much


If you haven’t bought you tins yet LAKELAND tins are very good. They are heavy duty and have loose bottoms. Hope the weather is getting better.


Masterclass heavy duty cake pans are what I use, they are very good and have a loose bottom too. Shop around as they can be expensive in some places

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