Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked April 18th 2013

Best way to get the design

Hi, I have been asked to do a dart board cake for a friend and was intending to do a 12″ round. My question is how best to do the design, would it be better maybe rolling white fondant then colour accordingly then pipe the wires and numbers ( not sure if this would use excessive amounts of colour paste) or would the better option be to cut the little segments using coloured fondant then pipe around them. Any suggestions would be fab


Hi, I have been asked to do a dart board cake for a friend and was intending to do a 12″ round. My question is how best to do the design, would it be better maybe rolling white fondant then colour accordingly then pipe the wires and numbers ( not sure if this would use excessive amounts of colour paste) or would the better option be to cut the little segments using coloured fondant then pipe around them. Any suggestions would be fab


Hi denice

I haven’t made a dartboard and wouldn’t know where to start, however if you google ‘dartboard cake’ there are a number of ‘how to’ to get ideas from. I’m sorry I can’t be more help, other members may be able to give more advice. x


Hi Denice
I would probably cover the cake in a thin layer of fondant. Then drawer the board out onto thin card of the correct size for the cake. You only need to draw a small section so you can cut out the shapes. Then use these to place onto rolled out fondant of the right colours for that particular section, and cut around them with a craft knife. Then put onto cake like a jigsaw. Pipe the wires or use a clay gun ( obviously only ever used for food) to extrude a long thin tube of fondant and then stick around cake. You can buy light silver edible paint to liven up the wires too.
Good luck.

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