Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked April 20th 2013

Floral wire

Where can I find straight 20 gauge colored wire? I can only find green and white. I noticed Paul using purple. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Where can I find straight 20 gauge colored wire? I can only find green and white. I noticed Paul using purple. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Hi Cakeczar

You’ll find some here http://www.thecakedecoratingcompany.co.uk/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=florist+wire&x=17&y=10. Most cake decorating supply stores online or locally should have them. Hope this helps.


Thank you madeitwithlove! I’m in US and can’t find it. I went to your suggested site and LOVE it! Thank you so much for the quick response. Appreciate it. 😉


Hi Cakeczar

The Cake decorating company imports most of their supplies from the US, I was just wondering whether it might be an idea to ask them if they have a supplier in the States which you could use. I should imagine shipping from the UK would be quite costly. If they do have someone across the pond it would save you so much hassle. An email costs nothing, it could save you $$$$s.

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