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asked April 23rd 2013

Chicargo bulls cake ideas

i have been asked to do a square 18th birthday cake for a Chicargo Bulls fan for this Saturday any ideas please. i have said i will do it now, iv googles the Chicargo Bull and just needed some ideas.Thanks


i have been asked to do a square 18th birthday cake for a Chicargo Bulls fan for this Saturday any ideas please. i have said i will do it now, iv googles the Chicargo Bull and just needed some ideas.Thanks


Hi, why not put the bull on top? I would print it out the size you need it and then use it as a template to cut out the sugarpaste shapes. Or even simpler just do the vest as its very plain, it’s red with the name and number, which you can replace with the recipient’s name and age!


thank you i thought about using a template


You could also do a frozen buttercream transfer. You’ll find lots of information in google and tutorials in youtube for the technique. Good luck with which ever way you choose. x

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