Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked April 30th 2013


how to make a moist sponge cake


how to make a moist sponge cake


Hello julianeyo

Mrs Jones vanilla sponge is a super moist cake, you can see the tutorial here http://www.cakeflix.com/online-cake-decorating-courses/mrs-joness-recipe-for-10-round-deep-sponge-cake. You can also make a simple syrup drench to brush over the cake layers to add extra moisture. To make simple syrup, boil up equal quantities of water or juice of your choice and sugar. Boil for a couple of minutes, cool and brush on the sliced layers. Adding a vanilla pod or zest of orange/lemon to the sugar solution will give the syrup more flavour too. For an 8″ cake I make 150g of each liquid to sugar, you may have a little left over, reduce the amount if you want. Hope this helps.

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