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asked May 1st 2013

Storing buttercream.

How long does buttercream last In fridge. What is the best way. Store.?


How long does buttercream last In fridge. What is the best way. Store.?


Hi denice
If you look here:
http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/how-long-will-butter-cream-stay-fresh there are a few answers which will help. Butter cream absorbs flavours so best kept in an airtight container away from strong smelling foods. If you have any problems with the link please post again.


Hi I have tried entering the link details and can’t seem to get it, where is the best place to enter it. Sorry o ask jut new to this.


Thanks for that denice, that’s why I asked you to re post if you had problems. Now to answer your question.
Normal butter will last between 1 -3 months in the fridge, butter cream is butter and icing sugar so it will have a good shelf life. I normally keep it for two weeks in an air tight container, The only time I would reduce the time is if it contains milk or cream, in which case I’d use it up by the use by date on either of those products. I have had butter cream in the fridge for over a month, used it and it was fine, but that’s for the user to decide. Hope this helps and I’m sorry about the link I’m having problems with it too, will try and sort it out with the tech team. xx


A question in relation to the above…if I add milk to my buttercream, will it be ok out of the fridge once on a cake? I’ve never added milk because I’ve always been unsure of this. However during the winter I could do with something to soften it a bit more. Is a touch of water an option?


Hi Sue

You can use a little cool boiled water to thin the buttercream out. Don’t use too much otherwise your buttercream may split. It’s the fat in milk which prevents splitting but I wouldn’t trust leaving milk out of the fridge. You could use a table spoon of condensed or UHT milk, there would be less worry about the keeping properites at room temperature. I don’t make buttercream very often but when I do I tend to use a small splash of high proof flavourless alcohol …… not everyones cuppa tea!

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