Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked May 15th 2013


Hi all!

Just a quick question…I’ve never had trouble making ganache before, but the last two times I’ve made it have been disastrous! I made some white chocolate ganache last night, and the only thing I can compare it to is choux pastry! It then went really greasy and split.

I headted the cream in a bain marie until it felt warm (I did the highly scientific finger-dip test), then added in the chopped chocolate off the heat and stirred until it melted. Any ideas what went wrong? Nb, I used chocolate and cream that I’d bought in Aldi…

Really appreciate any suggestions on this one!

C x


Hi all!

Just a quick question…I’ve never had trouble making ganache before, but the last two times I’ve made it have been disastrous! I made some white chocolate ganache last night, and the only thing I can compare it to is choux pastry! It then went really greasy and split.

I headted the cream in a bain marie until it felt warm (I did the highly scientific finger-dip test), then added in the chopped chocolate off the heat and stirred until it melted. Any ideas what went wrong? Nb, I used chocolate and cream that I’d bought in Aldi…

Really appreciate any suggestions on this one!

C x


I always heat cream till its steaming then add choc.you should be able to reheat in the microwave and stir till combined


Hello clare-barrett

There’s lots of really useful information here http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/oily-ganache. If the link doesn’t take you to it just type in the search box ‘ganache split’. You’ll see your question, look below that.
I make ganache in the microwave, add cream to chocolate and heat on low 30 second bursts, stir, keep heating until it starts to melt. It’s important to stir after each burst to prevent the chocolate from burning. Melt only until you have some bits of chocolate left, gently stir until combined. Over mixing will cause gancahe to go oily and split, especially white chocolate as it is all mainly milk solids and fat. If you haven’t thrown out this batch it can be rescued. Have a peek at the link, hope it helps. x ps once it starts to melt reduce bursts to between 15 -20 second bursts.

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