Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked May 15th 2013


Hi I’ve just watched Paul sugar pasting a round cake. He said the name of the paste he was using but, i couldn’t
Quite catch the name I think he said Covapaste.
He was saying how good it was does he still think its ok?
I looked on forums using the name covapaste there were a lot of people saying it melted on their cakes. thanks Kath.x


Hi I’ve just watched Paul sugar pasting a round cake. He said the name of the paste he was using but, i couldn’t
Quite catch the name I think he said Covapaste.
He was saying how good it was does he still think its ok?
I looked on forums using the name covapaste there were a lot of people saying it melted on their cakes. thanks Kath.x


Yes you’re correct it’s called Covapaste. I used it for a while and liked it. It’s nice to work with and smells and tastes lovely. It is a bit soft compared to some, but I always roll out using The Mat and had no problems. I switched to Tesco’s paste which I now prefer to work with and it’s more convenient to buy. I used to buy my Covapaste at Sugarshack as price is good and shipping is free over £15!


Thank you fruitcake I’ll give it a go . Have you tried carma mass ticino? Paul says its worth trying to get it but, don’t no which he prefers . I’ve looked for it and sent emails off to places with no luck. Kathx


I also like covapaste, it covers well, and there are some good deals out there.


Thanks Sharon54. Please can you suggest any where to buy. Kath.x


Hello kath12

In the tutorials Paul mainly uses Renshaws Regal Ice. I think he uses different brands to try them out and also if he has a specific application as in the Vintage pearl cake where he uses the Carmas Massa Ticino Tropic. This paste is good for covering tall large cakes because it doesn’t stretch and break, it can also be refrigerated because it is formulated for use is hot countries. There is a supplier link in the pearl cake tutorial and it can also be purchased here http://www.tcfinefoods.co.uk/. It is quite expensive and that company will only take orders over the phone for a minimum £80.00 spend. Paul has also tried out Fondarific, you can see it in this blog http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/sugarpaste-that-doesnt-tear. He has also mentioned Satin Ice but we haven’t actually seen him use it in any of the tutorials. In the Strawberry shortcake tutorial he has a tub of Sattina sitting on the work top. I must have missed the tutorial where he uses Cova paste, you can get here http://www.cake-stuff.com/5kg-11lb-white-covapaste-sugarpaste-icing-p-1951.html or any other online cake suppliers like Sugar shack or the Cake Decorating Company + many more, just google Cova Paste and you’ll see the choice of suppliers. Sometimes local cake decorating stores stock it or will get in as a special order. I hope some of this information helps. x

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