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asked May 30th 2013

Vanilla Cake

Hello everyone,
I want a good recipe for the vanilla cake works with fondant, i want the cake moist and light in tast similar to the sponge one.
thank you.


Hello everyone,
I want a good recipe for the vanilla cake works with fondant, i want the cake moist and light in tast similar to the sponge one.
thank you.


Hello wafaa

You’ll find a good recipe here http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/10860/easy-vanilla-cake, all Jane Hornby’s recipes are excellent. This particular recipe is for wedding cakes and will be good to use with fondant. The ingredients can be scaled up for your tin size here http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-work-out-what-size-cake-tin-to-use.


Thank you Madeit, i appreciate your help:)

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