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asked June 12th 2013

one tin cake

Hi. Does anyone know a recipe for a sponge that I can bake in one tin. I only have one tin and I want to avoid having to bake twice. I just made Mrs Jones sponge cake ((using one tin only)) but the cake completely collapsed in the middle.


Hi. Does anyone know a recipe for a sponge that I can bake in one tin. I only have one tin and I want to avoid having to bake twice. I just made Mrs Jones sponge cake ((using one tin only)) but the cake completely collapsed in the middle.


hi patonino, try this one http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/10860/easy-vanilla-cake, its a bit denser than say a Victoria sponge, but nice and moist and good for carving. I used it for my dad’s 91st birthday cake and got lots of good comments. Don’t open the oven door before the time is up though – I find this is a common reason for a cake collapsing in the centre. Good luck.


Hi patonino

This is a very good recipe http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/10860/, other members have used it and I use for a lot of my celebration cakes. It is not as light as Mrs Jone’s vanilla cake, but not as dense as a madeira, an in between cake good for stacking.

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