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asked June 26th 2013

Dairy and eggless sponge cake recipe

Hi There, I’ve found the eggless sponge cake recipe but it contains condensed milk. Does anyone know what I could use to replace the milk or does anyone have a good recipe which contains no dairy or egg. It’s for an extra wedding cake for one of the bridesmaids who has a severe allergy to dairy and nuts!!! Many thanks


Hi There, I’ve found the eggless sponge cake recipe but it contains condensed milk. Does anyone know what I could use to replace the milk or does anyone have a good recipe which contains no dairy or egg. It’s for an extra wedding cake for one of the bridesmaids who has a severe allergy to dairy and nuts!!! Many thanks


I’ve recently had the same request and made a cake using a recipe from Allrecipes.co.uk If you type in dairy and egg free it comes up with a couple. I also used gluten free flour as some brands of typical plain and s r flour are produced on the same line as egg and nut products. Can’t remember which brand of flour had that on the back of the packet. just wise to double check where severe allergies are concerned. Hope this helps a little 🙂


Hi, my son is allergic to all dairy products, nuts and eggs. This is a recipe he loves:
1 cup caster sugar
1 & 1/3 cups SR flour
1/3 cup cocoa
1 cup water
1/3 cup vegetable oil
just throw it all in a bowl & mix then cook as for a normal cake
If you want a white cake just replace the cocoa powder with SR flour.
It tastes great


Hello, rice dream is a soya alternative to milk and is very creamy and you can cook with it. Try their website alpro


Thanks so much for your answers they’re just what I need 🙂

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