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asked July 7th 2013

apparently of the weight. I was so worry. what I did wrong?

I made a four tier cake and i stacked them at the party but on one of the tier began to form some air bubbles apparently of the weight. I was so worry. what I did wrong?


Hello nemrac 1958

There are a number of reasons why this could have happened. It could be that you had existing air bubbles in that tier which, when weight was added, pushed the sugar paste outwards and made it bulge. If tiers are not dowelled adequately before stacking the weight of another cake will begin to compact anything beneath causing the bottom tiers to bulge and collapse. Stacking a heavier tier on top of one which will not be able to support the weight might cause air bubbles and subsequent collapse. Crumb coating which hasn’t crusted over and has remained soft and wet can weaken the sugar paste over time and this can also cause air bubbles which you have experienced. Sometimes if the sugar paste covering is too thick it will not dry out properly and can begin to sag and cause bubbles and can also push the filling out of the sides causing leakage and bulging. These are just some factors which I have experienced personally. It’s possible some of these things could have been responsible for what went wrong. So I guess the answer is to let crumb coat frost over to seal the cake, check the thickness of your sugar paste, make sure large air bubbles have been popped. Use adequate number of dowels and stack tiers in appropriate order of weight. Pipe a dam of filling around the edge of each layer, let it crust slightly before filling the middle to contain leakage. I’m sure other members will offer other reasons. I hope all ended well and nothing too drastic occurred. x


Nothing more went wrong. Just some bubbles and it didn’ t collapse, Thanks God..and thanks for your answer!!!!

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