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asked July 11th 2013

Wholesale cocoa

Hi can anyone recommend where to buy cocoa powder in bulk? I go through so much of it and its not working out cost effective. Thanks


Hi can anyone recommend where to buy cocoa powder in bulk? I go through so much of it and its not working out cost effective. Thanks


If you are a registered business there are online suppliers who will sell wholesale.if not I would check local food wholesalers and ask if they will sell in bulk .most will but you will get better quality from specialist suppliers online or try askng your local cake decorating shops,they are always looking for good customers


Hi gucci 906

Paul has a list of whole sale suppliers here http://www.cakeflix.com/online-cake-decorating-courses/free/suppliers#suppliers-in-the-uk, have a look at the names under the heading bakery supplies. You could also try the cake decorating company who do sell supplies at wholesale, not sure whether they do cocoa. Hope this helps.



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