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asked July 23rd 2013

christening cake

hi everyone,
i have been asked to make a christening cake, which is made up of 3 , 6″ cubes, royal iced and piped, then stacked on top of each other, but off set one to the right and one to the left, so they look like a tower of blocks balanced , i can do this, but i have now been told the cake is to travel 100 miles , how do i keep it intact for the journey , as i am not delivering it, it is being driven to its destination by the grandparents of the baby for whom the christening cake is for, help!!! madeitwithlove, Paul, any ideas, ???


hi everyone,
i have been asked to make a christening cake, which is made up of 3 , 6″ cubes, royal iced and piped, then stacked on top of each other, but off set one to the right and one to the left, so they look like a tower of blocks balanced , i can do this, but i have now been told the cake is to travel 100 miles , how do i keep it intact for the journey , as i am not delivering it, it is being driven to its destination by the grandparents of the baby for whom the christening cake is for, help!!! madeitwithlove, Paul, any ideas, ???


Hi treacle

Will the stacking be sturdy enough when the cakes are in motion? You can get extra sturdy cake boxes and you could support the cakes with foam padding or bubble wrap. I think as much as we’d like cakes to arrive at their destination in tack, once you hand them over to the customer it becomes their responsibility to make sure they care for it’s well being. The only thing you can do is ensure it is well packaged before it leaves you and make them aware that care must be taken with handling. Here http://www.cakecraftshop.co.uk/shop/3/362/ you can see the boxes for stacked cakes. So sorry treacle I can’t help more, I hope some one else will help out. x


Hi madeitwithlove,
i have the the stacked cake boxes, will use bubble wrap, and will give written instructions for handling the cake, i feel sick with nerves and the heat is having an adverse ettect on my caking, windows open, fan running, fingers crossed it cools down, thank you for the advice, i have placed an order on Windsor cake Craft, they have the stacked boxes on special, x


Now it’s up to the customer, you’ve done all you can. Windsor might be able to give you additional advice, they’re usually very helpful if you give them a phone call. Good luck treacle. x

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