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asked July 27th 2013

packaging for bride & groom

Hi All
I’m making a wedding topper (bride & Groom) in a few weeks. The customer is travelling quite a distance with them- whats the best way to pack them so they don’t damage in transit.
sharon x


Hi All
I’m making a wedding topper (bride & Groom) in a few weeks. The customer is travelling quite a distance with them- whats the best way to pack them so they don’t damage in transit.
sharon x


Hi Sharon

Airtight containers can make models and flowers soften. You could wrap them in tissue paper and use the bubble wrap as packaging to stop the toppers from moving and bashing against the sides of the box. I’ve bubble wrapped flowers, some three years ago and they’re good as new. I appreciate your worry because models are bigger and denser, but if they’re well dried out they should be fine. Presumably they will only be packaged for a short while? x


Hi Sharon

If your toppers are standing figures and on their own cards it would be better to package them wrapped gently in bubble wrap and placed upright in rectangular boxes. Try this company http://cakeboxesdirect.com/?gclid=CK7sro6lz7gCFXMRtAodnGsAeQ, they have a phone number so you could ask them if they have boxes for toppers. If your toppers can be laid down you could wrap them in bubble wrap and place them in a sturdy box making sure they don’t rattle around and get damaged. Mark boxes with fragile and directional arrow to show which way the box should be handled. x


I had thought of bubble wrap, was worried that it may act like a plastic container and soften the fondant. Does it not ?

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