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asked July 27th 2013

Swarovski bicones on a cake

Hi, can you tell me the best way to attach some of the Swarovski bicone beads to a cake. Can I just wrap the wire in florist tape or is there another way? I want to use quite a few as it is for my daughter’s wedding cake (you might remember me!!) but obviously don’t want to use flower picks because they would be too big. Sandra


Hi, can you tell me the best way to attach some of the Swarovski bicone beads to a cake. Can I just wrap the wire in florist tape or is there another way? I want to use quite a few as it is for my daughter’s wedding cake (you might remember me!!) but obviously don’t want to use flower picks because they would be too big. Sandra


Hi Sandra

Please could you give a few more details where the beads are to be attached. The wires can not be inserted into the cakes directly so a little more info will be helpful. xx


Hi. I was thinking of maybe just ‘dotting’ a few beads round one of the tiers. The cake has two dummy tiers which are covered in roses and then some of the Swarovski’s on wires are inserted in between the roses. I wondered if I could wrap the wires in florist tape and then insert some into the real cake. If florist tape cannot be used on its own then I don’t think I will be able to do it by any other method really. If I used a piece of a straw to push the wire into it would be too many ‘bits’ for the guests to remove before eating the cake!!


Hi Sandra

Have a look at Lindy Smith’s beaded cake gallery here https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=lindy+smith+beaded+cakes&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&gws_rd=cr she seems to make garlands and just places them around the cake. If you only want to dot a few around how about sticking the gems on small sugar paste discs as a backing and attach them to the cake. You’d have make the discs small enough so they’re not noticeable and these can be removed before serving the cake.
Any good? xx


Fantastic idea. Thank you (again!!). Speak soon. Sandra

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