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85 Cake
I need to cover cakes in an 8 & 5, is sugarpaste the best thing to use, also how do I cover the middle of the eight?
I need to cover cakes in an 8 & 5, is sugarpaste the best thing to use, also how do I cover the middle of the eight?
Hi tina1990
There’s a couple of ways I covered an 0 cake in fondant. First way is to cover the whole 8 in fondant, cut a X where the holes are and ease the the flaps into the opening and smooth down gently. With a damp finger (not wet) smooth the joins together with light strokes. Second way, roll out two panels the depth of the holes and line the inside, join the seam as above. Once lined cover the whole number with fondant and trim out the excess. The edge can be piped round with a snail trail or accented with another colour. I’ve also covered a numbered cake with pouring ganache, this can be messy work!! A double coating of ganache is required to achieve a smoothish finish, on my cake it didn’t set completely so I wouldn’t recommend for you to try this method unless you’re confident working with chocolate. Hope this helps, I’m sure other members will share how they do it.