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asked August 29th 2013

Ralph Lauren logo/Topper

Hello everyone, can anyone please direct me to where I can purchase a Ralph Lauren edible logo for a T Shirt cake. Many thanks in advance.


Hello everyone, can anyone please direct me to where I can purchase a Ralph Lauren edible logo for a T Shirt cake. Many thanks in advance.


Nikkie here is a link which might be of help to you or, you can download a picture and take it along to Sainsbury or Asda and ask them to print it for you. It will work out far more cheaper, under £5.00!


Hi nikkie-odele

Have you tried http://www.thecakedecoratingcompany.co.uk/catalog/index.php?cPath=2&osCsid=dut9om07jmb8d50gq5v37mmvj4 They’re pretty good, all you have to do is send them a picture of the logo and they print it for you on an icing sheet, you can also give them a call or ask on the online chat on their site. Candy has suggested Sainbury’s or Asda but I believe they only print logos if the cake is bought in their store, I may be wrong, worth a check.
There is more information for other suppliers if you put in the search box ‘jimmy choo label’. x


Thank you both for your answers, it’s most appreciated

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