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It could sound a silly question but how to serve and slice this cake?
I should think you’d have to dismantle it from the bodice, lift the dress part off the pole and start ‘destroying’ all that lovely work to get to the serious business of eating cake! Since each cake is on it’s own board the cakes can either be lifted off and cut separately or just cut to the individual boards from the top down then lift off the empty board and start the next layer. I would slice the cake rather than wedge. Each slice can be cut into finger slices or however big a piece you’d like to serve.
In this though each cake wasnt on board as we carved the cake but I got the idea…thanks
That’ll teach me to watch one tutorial at a time, must have got a bit confussed! Anyway you got the idea.
my thoughts were to cut it like they cut off the meat for a big donar kebab….lol