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asked October 7th 2013

teapot spout

how to make a spout and get it to set in the correct position to dry?


how to make a spout and get it to set in the correct position to dry?


i used a long skewer and rice krispie treats


Hi Debn001

I made it with sugar paste strengthened with gum trag or tylo powder then let it set hard for a few days (similar to making the heel of a shoe which Paul demonstrates on this site) I then attached it with a couple of cocktail sticks.


I moulded mine using modelling paste (my teapot was a Styrofoam one on top of the cake) and made sure the section being attached to the iced ball, was moulded roughly to shape. I then put cocktail sticks into it and laid it carefully on a foam pad. Once it had had a day to harden up, I gently shaped any flat bits and the part to join the ball with a craft knife and then left to fully harden. I did the same with the handle. I positioned cocktail sticks into the ball and then fitted the spout and handle onto them with some edible glue. I then touched up the joints with royal icing. They came out really great!

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