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asked January 12th 2014

Paul’s Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe

Can I used this recipe to make a 12-inch bundt cake? If so, what adjustments should I make? Thanks.


Can I used this recipe to make a 12-inch bundt cake? If so, what adjustments should I make? Thanks.


Hi mariewilliams

Any recipe can be made in a bundt tin. In order to work out the mixture you need you first of all have to know the volume of your bundt tin. The way to do this is to fill the bundt tin with water to the amount you want your finished cake. Measure the amount of water in a measuring jug. For a a 12″ bundt tin it should be approximately 3.5 litres, depending on the exact shape of your bundt. The volume of Paul’s 10″ square moist cake is 4.3 litres. To work out the amount of mixture you need, multiply the ingredients in the recipe by your bundt tin volume and divide this number by 4.3.
I just need to say that when I make Paul’s cake it rises it approximately 2.75 inches so the maths has been worked out on how my cake rises, yours may rise more or it may rise less. I am also assuming that you have made the moist cake recipe in other pans, if not please do have a read through http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/pauls-moist-chocolate-cake-my-feed-back and http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/pauls-moist-chocolate-cake-my-feed-back for lots of helpful member hints and tips.
You can also fill a 10″ square pan with water to the height of the finished cake and pour into the bundt tin to see whether it will fit or over flow. Use different tins to see which one fits the best and use that size to convert
the 10″ square recipe here http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-work-out-what-size-cake-tin-to-use
I have a 10″ bundt tin and use a 9″ round recipe. Bundt tins distribute heat more evenly so your bake time may be reduced retaining the same baking temperature as the original recipe. Just keep an eye on the baking. I can’t give precise timing as all ovens are different. Finally if you bake in a fan assisted oven it is recommended to reduce the temperature by 10- 20 degrees or by what ever the oven manufacturer’s handbook recommends. Paul is using 150c non fan oven. Hope this helps and I haven’t confused you.

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