Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked February 6th 2014

sandal high heel shoe


I was trying to watch the sandal tutorial but all am seeing is the overview. How can I watch the full tutorial?

Thank you.



I was trying to watch the sandal tutorial but all am seeing is the overview. How can I watch the full tutorial?

Thank you.


Hi, if you scroll down it will give a list of the lessons so just click lesson 1, if its a members only course then you can only watch the lessons of ur a member
xx Lisa


Hi zubesi2004

If you’re a premium member of the site you need to be signed in to view full tutorials. However if you’re registered as a free/beginners member non of the main tutorials will be available for viewing. To upgrade your membership and to see payment options please peek here http://www.cakeflix.com/membership-options

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