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asked February 21st 2014

Chocolate moulds

Hi all,
I’m going to attempt a cake for my Nan’s 80th with chocolate mould detail. Any tips on how to work with chocolate in moulds/ times etc would be so much appreciated!
Also, if anyone knows how to create large chocolate fans or knows of a link please could you forward to me!
Thank you in advance,


Hi all,
I’m going to attempt a cake for my Nan’s 80th with chocolate mould detail. Any tips on how to work with chocolate in moulds/ times etc would be so much appreciated!
Also, if anyone knows how to create large chocolate fans or knows of a link please could you forward to me!
Thank you in advance,


Hi natallie-kingsmill

Which type of moulds are you using and do you want the shapes to be solid or hollow? Also will you be using real chocolate or compound? Real chocolate has to be tempered, compound doesn’t.


Hi I’m wanting the shapes to be solid chocolate and was going to use callebaut white couverture chips but more than happy to use a recommendation especially if it makes anything easier!
Will be using super cast moulds, of which have been confirmed are safe to use with chocolate 🙂


I aways use Callebut chocolate but it does need tempering. For tempering white chocolate have a look on the Callebut bag or follow Paul’s tutorial in the white chocolate shard tutorial http://www.cakeflix.com/online-cake-decorating-courses/white-chocolate-shard
Once tempered fill the mould and tap it several times on the counter for any air bubbles to come to the surface. Place in the fridge until set then and tap out of the mould. Bars of chocolate is much easier and doesn’t need tempering. Break the chocolate up in small chunks, place in a plastic bowl and micro wave for 20 seconds on high heat. Timing depends on how much chocolate you have in the bowl. I melt 100 g on high for 10 second, remove and mix. Melt again in short bursts on low/ medium heat. Stop microwaving when there are a few lumps left. Keep mixing until the heat of the chocolate melts what remains. Fill mould, tap on counter and place in fridge until set. Remove, tap on counter to release the shape. Use a good quality bar like Lindts for flavour. If using Callebut I would suggest tempering 50 g first and trying out in your moulds. Chocolate must be properly tempered otherwise it will not set properly and will not have a crisp break. It will also become soft at room temperature and melt if handled.
Try and always use a plastic bowl when melting chocolate, glass hold it’s heat and can easily burn the contents.


There are plenty of recipes for moulding chocolate using melted chocolate and corn oil.on line.roll out rectangles and pleat.frill out and let them dry.Very easy to make fans


Made with love, you’re an absolute star, thank you for all this info! Feeling rather nervous about what I’ve taken on…one other quick question, obviously I want to get as much prep complete as possible, what would shelf life of moulded choc and Choc roses be? How far in advance can they be made and I assume they are stored in a food grade box?
Thanks again!


All the moulded decorations can be made up well in advance. Go by the use by date on the chocolate packaging
if the ornaments are to be eaten, if they are to be kept they will last for years stored properly.
Once made for the project, store in a cardboard box cushioned with tissue or wrapped in foil to prevent damage Protect from any heat source like radiators and over warm rooms. Just a word of encouragement, I recently made lots of moulded chocolate ornaments and they looked really lovely especially once all lustred up. I do recommend using gloves when handling so as not to leave finger marks on the chocolate. Good luck!


Fantastic, informative and prompt responses, thanks so much 🙂


I temper callebut chocolate on a regular basis as a pastry chef and because the chocolate is already tempered the easiest way I find is to use the microwave. If you have a temperature probe melt the chocolate in short bursts until you reach 34c degrees and thats it. Hope this helps. You tube does a demonstration on tempering callebut chocolate if you want to take a look.


Thanks everybody, really appreciate your input. Wish me luck with this cake, it’ll either be really awful or really beautiful…


It will be beautiful, good luck!!!

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