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asked March 5th 2014

Ganache help!

Has anyone ever tried using a white choc ganache,flavoured with Cointreau,on a dark choc orange cake?! I’ve had a total nightmare with my dark choc ganache,I’ve tried loads of different ways to fix it and am working on my last hope right now,but if it doesn’t work I’m thinking of reverting back to my safe white chocolate ganache and trying to get the dark one right another day when I’ve more time. Thanks in advance!


Hi Kirsty1718

I use Cointreau with white ganache on dark chocolate orange cake and it’s just lovely! I find white chocolate ganache can be quite sickly and the dark chocolate cake cuts the sweetness down. With orange it’s fabulous.
What kind of problem are you having with your dark ganache? If the ganache has split look here for a fix it
http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/oily-ganache If that’s not the problem please say what it is, I’m sure it can be fixed.


Hi madeitwithlove,thanks for your help-again! You’re fast becoming my baking guru! The ganache was just really grainy,thick and pretty disgusting looking in general! I finally managed to rescue it(I hope,since it’s now on the cake!) by chucking it in the food processor and adding a little extra cream,the Cointreau actually helped a little too! I think the cocoa content was perhaps a little high…if it wasn’t that I’ve no idea what I done wrong. I’ve always made white choc ganache in the past as most people I know,or have baked for,prefer sponge/lemon/orange cakes,and I’ve always found it relatively easy-hence today’s disaster! I assumed dark choc would be just as straightforward so just left it till the day I needed it. The white choc with Cointreau sounds like a good plan for future,think it would maybe be a better mix of bitter/sweet for me!
Thanks again for all your help,I really appreciate it! 🙂


Sometimes ganache will become grainy if it’s over mixed or if mixed too vigorously. Getting a small amount of water or steam in it can also make it seize and become grainy. When I boil my cream I always wait for the bubbles to die down before adding to chocolate. I know recipes say pour boiling cream immediately over chocolate but I find it scorches the chocolate. The only time I’ve ever had grainy ganache is when I’ve hurriedly poured over still bubbling cream. Thought there might be a tip or two in the ganache blog which might help here
So glad you managed to salvage your ganache. x

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