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asked March 7th 2014

white/red rose

Sorry it’s me again…!

I want to make a large rose as in Paul’s tutorial but really want a white and red two tone rose. What do you suggest I use – white flowerpaste and dust with red? Or red with white? I am doing a white ruffle rose cake with little bits of red as it’s for a ruby wedding anniversary (red diamante strip around cake board ribbon) don’t want to overdo the red…

Hope that makes sense!

Thank you so much


Sorry it’s me again…!

I want to make a large rose as in Paul’s tutorial but really want a white and red two tone rose. What do you suggest I use – white flowerpaste and dust with red? Or red with white? I am doing a white ruffle rose cake with little bits of red as it’s for a ruby wedding anniversary (red diamante strip around cake board ribbon) don’t want to overdo the red…

Hope that makes sense!

Thank you so much


I would,personally do the whole rose white…dust quite heavily with red in the centre and fade out to just the tips on the outside petals…..kind of an ombré rose? X


Hi goldengoose25

I made the peony flower in the same way as Paul did in the rose ruffle tutorial http://www.cakeflix.com/ruffle-rose-wedding-cake-lesson-3-dusting-the-flowers Paul made a lighter coloured flower and then dusted with a darker colour which allowed the lighter shade to come through. I made my flower in pure white and dusted with magenta allowing the white to dapple through. It looked like translucent porcelain . Which ever way you do it I’d advise wearing a dust mask when dusting the flower. I was sneezing magenta dust in my tissues for a week afterwards.

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