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asked October 5th 2014

Storing Mrs Jones fruit cake


I have made Mrs Jones fruit cake for a birthday on a previous occasion without using any alcohol in the cake at all and it was delicious. i was wondering how long i could store this cake before icing it. I know that alcohol helps to preserve the cake but I have to make this without so for example if I made it in October would it keep until Christmas?

Many thanks


Hello Jude3011

It most probably will be fine. Rich fruit cake contains far more fruit to flour ratio and masses of sugar which all help act as preservatives You can of course freeze it and bring it out to defrost a day or two before required. You’ll find inforamtion on freezing fruit cake here:
Some recipes advise using fruit juice or cold tea, however neither of these hold any preserving properties and may be more suitable for cakes not intended for long storage, more for flavouring and moisture.
To see many more related comments in Q & A type in the above search box ‘fruit cake’.
Hope this helps.

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