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asked November 23rd 2014

Sultans and Cherry Xmas cake

I have been asked to do a light fruit xmas cake with only Sultanas and Cherries. Could I alter the Mrs Jones recipe or does someone have a foolproof recipe? Also can I still add alcohol?



I have been asked to do a light fruit xmas cake with only Sultanas and Cherries. Could I alter the Mrs Jones recipe or does someone have a foolproof recipe? Also can I still add alcohol?



Hi Karen

The difference between a light fruit cake and a traditional fruit cake is in the keeping properites. As far as I can see Mrs Jones’ cake is one for storing, it has a lot of fruit in it, typical of a traditonal fruit cake which can be stored and matured for two or three months. A light fruit cake doesn’t contain as much fruit, it has much shorter keeping time, approx two to three weeks. Alcohol can still be added in smaller quantites so as no to make it too wet prior to decorating and eating. There are several recipes online with very good reviews like this one:
Recently I made a similar recipe, substituting some of the sultanas with tangy tropical fruit. It was fed with Malibu and wrapped for two weeks before being used as a top wedding tier.
Other members may have another recipe to try. Hope this helps.


Thanks, that recipe looks good will give it a go tomorrow and let you know the results


Your feed back would be much appreciated. It does look a nice recipe. I hope it works out.

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