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asked January 14th 2015

Ganache Cupcakes

I would like to do some cupcakes covered in ganache to sell but I would like to know how long the cupcakes will be safe to eat for the person buying them? Do I need to put a use by date on them?

If someone buys cupcakes, they won’t normally put them in the fridge, so how long will they be safe after being stored in a cupcake box at room temperature?

I’d like to know this about ganache in general. Is it safe on a cake and for how long when kept at room temperature?

Any help appreciated, thanks.


Hello Scoffacake

Cupcakes stale very quickly, a couple or three days at most. They can be kept mosit for a couple more days with a little simple syrup brushed over them. The syrup soaks down into the cake and keeps it moist and also acts as a preservative. Ganache will keep for several days at cool room temperature and will keep much longer if refrigerated. Cupcakes with simple syrup and ganache stored in an airtight cake tin will be ok for a few days in a cool environment. I wouldn’t eat cupcakes after about 4 days, they really would not be very fresh although, edible if no mould has grown on them. For selling purposes I would say 2 days maximum, after that it’s up to the customer.
If you’d like to make simple syrup for brushing:
Boil up equal quanitites of sugar and water for a couple of minutes. Cool and brush over the cupcakes, let the syrup absorbe before decorating or piping with ganach/buttercream.
To understand a little about the shelf life of ganache take a peek here:

Hope this helps.


Very helpful, thank you!

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