Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked February 20th 2015

I’m new

I was wondering if I find a video I want to view later how can I save it? Can’t find the 3d teddie bear or the fire engine truck


I was wondering if I find a video I want to view later how can I save it? Can’t find the 3d teddie bear or the fire engine truck


Hi and Welcome
I hope you enjoy these tutorial I have been a member since the beginning and have learnt a lot.

To view the tutorials go to online tutorials select all tutorials then there will be categories of cakes that you can choose.

You can also type in to the search box e.g. Fire engine or teddy bear and they will come up.

All tutorials are available to watch 24/7 and can’t be saved. Just remember to log in and you will have full access to the tutorials.

The questions and answers are great for lots of information and you will learn lots from them also.
Made it with love answers most questions and has a great knowledge of experience.

Don’t be afraid to ask there is always someone who can help.
Enjoy and have lots of fun.



Hi Kimmebearable,

Unfortunately our site does not allow you to save the tutorials. We offer different memberships, from as little as £9.95 a month that gives you unlimited access to all of the 250 tutorials, not just one.
You can check out the different membership options here – www.designer-cakes.com/membership-options

If you would like to access the teddy bear tutorial and fire truck tutorial, you will have to be a member first. Then all you have to do is login then follow these links….

Fire Engine

Teddy Bear

I hope this helps. If you have any questions at all, feel free to email me at [email protected]

I hope you enjoy the tutorials!
Many thanks! Danielle x


Thank you for your kind answer Jackie! xxx


Thank you both, love this website 🙂

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