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Problems sugarpasting awkward shape.
I attempted to sugarpaste the antique pot and I tremendous difficulty in covering it. The issue I had was it was
wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. As the sugarpaste was put on the top and the rest fell down perfectly
but to smooth this inwards was so hard that it took 7 goes. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I attempted to sugarpaste the antique pot and I tremendous difficulty in covering it. The issue I had was it was
wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. As the sugarpaste was put on the top and the rest fell down perfectly
but to smooth this inwards was so hard that it took 7 goes. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi Sky Cakes
I can only say how I ice this shape. I always add a little gum trag or tylose to the sugarpaste just to strengthen it so it doesn’t tear while smoothing the paste down. I haven’t made lovely Shawna’s pot yet but I have done this: http://www.cakecentral.com/a/step-by-step-3d-cake-sculpting-baby-in-a-flower-pot
You’ll see the pot is iced upside down!
Hope this helps.
Have a look also at Paul’s new tutorial as an alternative method: