Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked February 23rd 2015

rainbow/sunflower cake

Can you tell me what size lily cutter and veiner Paul uses for the sunflower petals? It says large but when i’m looking to buy one, it only gives mm size. Don’t want to get wrong size as they won’t be in proportion to the face.


Can you tell me what size lily cutter and veiner Paul uses for the sunflower petals? It says large but when i’m looking to buy one, it only gives mm size. Don’t want to get wrong size as they won’t be in proportion to the face.


Hi Tomandhen

I think Paul is using the larger cutter from the stargazer lily tutorial. It can be bought as a set which includes the veiner from the cake decorating company in Nottingham. The veiner Paul is seen using in the sunflower cake tutorial can be purchased indvidually, just google stargazer lily veiner.
Here’s the link for cake decorating company
If you want the measurements of each cutter before you buy, message them using their pop up chat box and they find out for you as you wait. Hope this helps.

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