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asked April 1st 2015

cocoa butter

Hi Paul,
Great videos. I love them all. One small question. Where can I buy cocoa butter in the UK? I have looked in Tesco and Sainsburys but don’t seem to have it. Perhaps I’m looking in the wrong places? Thanks


Hi Paul,
Great videos. I love them all. One small question. Where can I buy cocoa butter in the UK? I have looked in Tesco and Sainsburys but don’t seem to have it. Perhaps I’m looking in the wrong places? Thanks


Hi MaristelaCoupe

I thought I saw it in the baking aisle of Sainbury’s supermarket, it might have been Asda! I think if you’re looking is supermarkets best bet would be Waitrose or a health food store. Ask for food grade cocoa butter, not to be mistaken for the stuff in face creams. You should be able to get it in your local cake decorating supply store. If all fails you can get it online, on ebay, Amazon and all cake decorating stores. For cheapest postage, £2.50 for an under £25.00 order look here:
I use freeze dried cocoa butter granules by Callebaut:
I find this much more economical because I also cook with it instead of oil or normal butter. You only need the tinest amount when mixing with petal dusts for painting. Mycryo is tempered and can be used when tempering chocolate. Hope this helps.

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