Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked April 28th 2015

What is Sugar Paste?

Sorry, but I’m not familiar with that term here in the US. Is it what we call decorator icing?


Sorry, but I’m not familiar with that term here in the US. Is it what we call decorator icing?


Hello LenaRenaye

Sugarpaste is known by different names depending on where you live. In America it is mainly referred to as rolled fondant or just fondant. Other terms can be decorators icing, roll out icing, ready to roll, covering paste, plastic icing. You’ll also hear it referred to by brand name like Satin ice, Regal ice, Rensahw’s Pettince etc there are hundreds more!
The American term fondant is more regularly used throughout the world, although in the Uk fondant is also another product which looks more like royal icing and is used for dipping small fancy cakes and dipping iced buns and doughnutty type pastries, not to be confused with sugarpaste/fondant.
If you haven’t already had a chance to view the free/beginners section on sugapaste it may be helpful to you to take a look what Paul has to say here:

Hope this helps.

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