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asked April 30th 2015

How do I access the complete tutorials

Hi, l have recently joined this site and have logged in as a member but l cannot accesss the complete tutorials and only get to watch the short overview. I would really like to watch the complete tutorials because every time when l want to proceed to the next lesson it jumps back to the overview video, please assist it’s getting frustrating.


Hi, l have recently joined this site and have logged in as a member but l cannot accesss the complete tutorials and only get to watch the short overview. I would really like to watch the complete tutorials because every time when l want to proceed to the next lesson it jumps back to the overview video, please assist it’s getting frustrating.


Hi ricojax, not all the tutorials are free but if you are a paid member then you could get in touch with the Help & Support Team.


Hi ricojax

To upgrade your membership, all the options can be found here:

Membership Options

If you are subscribed to the free section you will only be able to access the overview in the premium tutorial library until such time as you upgrade. The Pro membership includes access to everything on site.

Hope this helps.

@ Gina Thank you for your help x


It must be the system and bank holdiday as my renewal started in the same day, money been taken out of my PayPal account on 30 April, but I can only access free courses. I have sent an email to And


Hi Sugarbuz

I’m sure the support team will quickly sort out your problem. Just to let you know that for quick response for admin type problems you can also use this email address [email protected]

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