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asked September 25th 2015

modelling figures and animals

Hi, can anyone recommend a good book that shows how to make figures and animals? Just starting out but not confident in my modelling yet. Thanks in advance


Hi, can anyone recommend a good book that shows how to make figures and animals? Just starting out but not confident in my modelling yet. Thanks in advance


Hi tgilbertson

It’s difficult to recommend just one book, you could end up with several. There are lots of models in our tutorials ranging from people, animals and vehicles.
I’ve got loads of modelling books but still end up watching tutorials.
It really depends on what you want to learn. I have certain favourite authors eg Maisie Parrish, Lorraine McKay, Helen Penman, Debbie Brown, Elaine Thomas and the Squire’s kitchen sugar models book. Apart from these I have more advanced books which I rarely use because they are above my skills!
They all offer something different.


Thanks, madeitwithlove, will take a look at the authors you mentioned, complete beginner so wasn’t sure if there was a ‘must have’ book on modelling.


Try your local lending library as well, they may have some of these authors or possibly get them for you.


wilton has lots of 3D characters to learn from online. It costs nothing to belong. you can go to the page
where it has a few and at the bottom you can click on the rest of the library where it has bride and groom, dogs, horses, etc.
wilton has a tray that you can purchase that goes with the training that has the pieces measured out that takes the guesswork out when you are first learning, so you know you are using the correct amount and when you want a bigger model, just double the project. It goes step by step on each one- it is an alternative to a book.

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