Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 1st 2016

media question

Hi everyone. I have just looked at Paul’s Facebook Page. I am not signed up with Facebook but would like to post on it. Do I have to sign up to Facebook itself or can I simply put posts and pics on his page ? I don’t want to join Facebook – just join in with you all on Pauls!!! Thank you in advance.


Hi everyone. I have just looked at Paul’s Facebook Page. I am not signed up with Facebook but would like to post on it. Do I have to sign up to Facebook itself or can I simply put posts and pics on his page ? I don’t want to join Facebook – just join in with you all on Pauls!!! Thank you in advance.


Hi Lyn

In order to comment on facebook you need to have a facebook account. I’ve just joined ….. TERRIFIED!!


Hi miwl. Thanks for reply. I know how you feel – good luck!


Lyn, Paul also has his google+ page: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+PaulBradfordSugarcraftSchool/posts

You can share pics there? I don’t really understand social media and so far have given it a wide berth. I’ve joined because I want to learn how to use it.


hi Lyn, its not as daunting as it sounds. We would be happy to walk you through it and you can sit back and observe or join in, its entirely up to you. With Madeitwithlove now joining what is already a very active page it will be worth the jump. Any questions at all on this please ask myself or Ken at [email protected]


Would anybody tell me please how to share my pictures on paul’s google page
Thank you



Paul’s google page is here: https://plus.google.com/+PaulBradfordSugarcraftSchool
If you need more information about social media content please email mattshields@ designer-cakes.com
Matt will be able to guide you through the different sharing platforms. 🙂

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