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asked March 9th 2016

Vanilla cake 4inch depth?

Hello, I have made Paul’s moist choc cake numerous times with wonderful results. What I like best is the cake gives me a depth of 4 inches which I prefer in my cakes. I like Mrs Jones Vanilla cake but even with thick buttercream layers its not a very tall cake so how do I get a 10inch cake to a 4 inch depth. Should I make enough for 11 or 12inches and just cook it in a 10inch tin or is there a more scientific formula other than my guesswork!
Sorry if this has been asked before and thanks in advcance


Hello, I have made Paul’s moist choc cake numerous times with wonderful results. What I like best is the cake gives me a depth of 4 inches which I prefer in my cakes. I like Mrs Jones Vanilla cake but even with thick buttercream layers its not a very tall cake so how do I get a 10inch cake to a 4 inch depth. Should I make enough for 11 or 12inches and just cook it in a 10inch tin or is there a more scientific formula other than my guesswork!
Sorry if this has been asked before and thanks in advcance


Hello tgilbertson

The depth of any cake be adjusted by using either the ready reckoner or the cakeometer tool in my blog here:

What Size cake tin to use

If using my ready reckoner please read the instructions directly under the RR information. If you’d like to use the cakometer scroll down the page and click on the link for that tool.

Hope this helps.

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