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asked July 31st 2016

Pauls original chocolate cake and Jane hornbys lemon cake conversion help

I have converted Paul’s original chocolate cake ( which can be used as a 10inch square?) using the reckoner from the 10inch square to a 8inch round and it says x by 0.5 to get the 8 inch round.

Also Jane hornbys lemon cake from a 23cm round (9inch if that’s right?) to a 7inch round and it says x by 0.6. To get the 7 inch round

Both recipes were almost identical for me side by side, Before the conversions.
How can the 7 inch cake be times 0.1 more that the the 8 inch cake?

I hope this makes sense!

Is there anywhere also I can post a picture of my first cake I made? You gave me so much help and I thought it would be nice for you to see it? I tried to put it on Paul’s face book but I don’t think it posted on his main page..

Kind regards


I have converted Paul’s original chocolate cake ( which can be used as a 10inch square?) using the reckoner from the 10inch square to a 8inch round and it says x by 0.5 to get the 8 inch round.

Also Jane hornbys lemon cake from a 23cm round (9inch if that’s right?) to a 7inch round and it says x by 0.6. To get the 7 inch round

Both recipes were almost identical for me side by side, Before the conversions.
How can the 7 inch cake be times 0.1 more that the the 8 inch cake?

I hope this makes sense!

Is there anywhere also I can post a picture of my first cake I made? You gave me so much help and I thought it would be nice for you to see it? I tried to put it on Paul’s face book but I don’t think it posted on his main page..

Kind regards


Hi Paul

The 0.1 is not significant and bears no relation to converting one recipe to another. If you take the two recipes completely separately, an 8″ round cake is half the size of a 10″ square cake that’s why the factor to reduce the ingredients is .5 (or a half). However, a 7″ round cake, although smaller than a 9″ round cake, is greater than half the size of the 9″, the factor works out at .6 This is to do with comparing volume and surface area. Hope this makes sense.

I would love to see pictures of your first cake but I’m afraid I can’t say why your pictures did not load on Paul’s facebook. Perhaps if you write in to the site the tech team could direct you to how it’s done. I don’t know how to load pictures up to facebook or any other social media so I’m a dead loss in this department. I’m happy I’ve been of help to you. Congratulations on all your achievements. xx 🙂

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