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Trying to figure out how to make the reindeer cake stand
I’ve looked at the standing Santa and Bunny rabbit, and dragon and still not clear. Should I be using only glue or screws?
Thanks for any clarification.
I’ve looked at the standing Santa and Bunny rabbit, and dragon and still not clear. Should I be using only glue or screws?
Thanks for any clarification.
Paul would use screws for cakes travelling any distance, but for shorter journeys a strong wood glue will do just fine. Both need to be rendered food-safe. Drop me an email if you have any further questions.
Kind regards, David
Hello gresyljade
I’ve had a quick look at all the the tutorials which you have mentioned. The only one which uses screws is the bunny rabbit cake. All the others uses hot glue. However, the holes have been drilled out using the spade drill head so the dowels for legs and heads fit snugly and further secured with the glue. In the standing santa cake tutorial, Paul advises to use wood for the bunny cake and not cake board as shown. Wood is stronger and will make a stronger stand. Hope this helps. If you need further information just post again.
Thank you David for your clarifications.