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asked January 16th 2018

Membership badge

Please can you tell me if the membership badges are just displayed as a picture on my website or do they link to your website? Mine just seems to be a picture


Please can you tell me if the membership badges are just displayed as a picture on my website or do they link to your website? Mine just seems to be a picture


I think they are just for display but I’m sure a member of customer service will advise you better if you contact the site at [email protected] with the same query. 🙂


They can be either, whichever you prefer. To create a link it would just be a case of going into the content management side of things, for us it’s a right click, then select the two linked chain icon. From there just insert: https://www.cakeflix.com (if you have the option tick open in new window).

If you have any questions at all drop us an email to [email protected] and we’d be delighted to help 🙂

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