The Makings of Cake Robot | Ginny Penny

The Makings of Cake Robot | Ginny Penny

The Makings of Cake Robot | Ginny Penny

It is sometimes very difficult to come up with new design ideas for your cakes; particularly now, more than ever, as there are so many talented cake designers out there with amazing new ideas!! So when I was designing this cake for my Accredited Tutors, I thought lets do a cute “steampunk” cake rather than the normal dark side SP…..! My first thoughts were a cute feminine steampunk themed cake, but then I started thinking of a cute steampunk robot…..I had a look online and after a few searches, I found Susie’s Etsy shop which you can check out here.

steam punk cloth robots

Isn’t her Robots adorable?! When you see an idea, you might want to chop and change it and then add a few extra twists to make it your own style, but her robots are so damn cute I decided to email and ask if I could copy the style with a few changes….!

Susie came back almost straight away with a big fat YES……! So that’s where she was born…..!!

A little about the Lady behind the Robots….

My name is Susie, I live in Salt Lake City, Utah with my husband and two kids. I have always been interested in art. I love to create. That is when I feel most productive. As I was growing up, if I was interested in any form of art or craft, my mother would make sure I had the supplies I needed. I didn’t have a lot growing up, but I had art supplies. I learned to cross stitch, crochet, draw and quilt.

My business is named after my daughter Ginny. They say naming your Etsy shop might be the hardest part in getting started. Honestly, it was just my username from when I joined Etsy as a buyer to buy unique items for my new baby. I kept the name and never worried a minute about whether it fit robots or not. It’s just special to me.

Robots came about when my son, Chason, was born. I wanted to make him one of those cute quiet books I had seen other mothers making. I wanted it have a Steampunk style. I was sketching a page of robots with moveable arms and legs and gears when I thought I should make him a 3D version for his nursery. Once I started sewing up little robots I forgot all about the quiet book. My store took off right away and I have a hard time keeping up with the demand. It’s really exciting. The best selling robots are the babies and one with a simple large red heart. I love creating fun little accessories for them like hats and clocks and gears and finding vintage buttons.

I am currently working on more patterns and actual sewing kits. My robots are fun to make. They take me about five to six hours each and they have at least 44 individual hand cut pieces of felt. I love seeing them come together. It sounds silly, but I feel like each one has it’s own little personality. Robots can be so innocent and sweet and while the ones I make only have eyes for a facial feature, I feel like they really are expressive. My daughter names them and asks where each one is going. She wants to get a big map so we can put pins in all the new places I send robots to. We have learned that robots are really popular all over the world.

The Makings of Cake Robot | Ginny Penny  Steampunk-robotThe Makings of Cake Robot | Ginny Penny

Therefore it just goes to show, that someone else’s creation, can be your inspiration! Using websites, magazines and your surroundings can be so helpful for coming up with new ideas for your cakes, just keep your eyes peeled and make sure you jot any ideas down, because believe me you will forget them in no time!!

If you would like to learn how to make my Steampunk Robot Cake then I have a couple of spaces left for my class in Linlithgow…

All you have to do is follow this link to the website to book your place! Cake Courses

Or if you would like more information, feel free to drop us an email at [email protected]

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