Star Wars fans across the galaxy are bracing themselves for the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The latest film will be a standalone story set before the events of the original Star Wars films, in which rebel fighters attempt to steal the plans to the Death Star. We decided it was high time we rounded up some of the best cakes that pay homage to the enduringly popular franchise.
Use the force, look…
Yoda cake
How incredible is this Yoda cake? It was created by cake designer Clara for her son’s Star Wars themed birthday party. Impressed, we are.
Chewbacca and Princess Leia cake toppers
We love these Leia and Chewie sugarpaste model cake toppers we discovered on Pinterest. Perfect for a Star Wars fan’s wedding cake!

Millennium Falcon cake
Check out the incredible detail on this cakey Millennium Falcon by Eat My Cake Bakery – mind-blowing!
X-Wing cake
Our very own Paul Bradford crafted this X Wing cake to celebrate all things Star Wars. You can learn how to make this jaw-dropping design in our Space Jet Fighter Cake tutorial.
Come to the Dark Side
Darth Maul cookies
Even in cookie form, Darth Maul is kind of terrifying… Guess we’ll have to just eat him quickly then.

Darth Vader cake
If you want to know what turned Darth Vader to the Dark Side, you’ll have to watch the films. But if you want to know what turned him into a 6ft tall cake, it was 386 eggs, 118 cups of flour, 20,865g of sugar, 25,854 pounds of butter and a large quantity of Rice Krispies. Created by Amanda Oakleaf Cakes.
Jabba the Hutt cake
He might be scary looking, but inside he’s delicious! Made from chocolate cake, chocolate fudge and sugarpaste, this fantastic Jabba the Hutt cake was crafted for a little boy’s birthday. He’s even cuddling his son, Rotta. Cute, right?!
Death Star cake
Never before has the Death Star looked so scrumptious. We love this idea from cake decorator Nicole at Afternoon Crumbs.
These ARE the droids you’re looking for
BB-8 cake
Just when you thought this wee dude couldn’t get any cuter – here he is in cake pop form!

R2D2 cake
It’s retro robot time, with one of our faves! This R2D2 cake was created by Leonie’s Cakes and Parties at the request of her son.

Have you ever made a Star Wars themed cake? We’d love to hear about it! Bake well, cake Jedis. And may the force be with you…