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asked July 30th 2019

Smoke train

I have an idea re smoke coming out of steam train .im unsure what to use ie wire size and how to cover it as it will be going into funnel .i am using popcorn for the smoke has anybody any ideas please


I have an idea re smoke coming out of steam train .im unsure what to use ie wire size and how to cover it as it will be going into funnel .i am using popcorn for the smoke has anybody any ideas please


Hi Alicain

The ‘smoke’ could be made on covered florist wire. Use a heavy gauge, see here for more information:
You may need to twist several pieces together to make a base to stick the popcorn on. To make it food safe, the wire should be placed inside a flower pick before inserting into the cake/rice krispie funnel.

If you don’t want to use florist wire, how about considering extra long metal drinking straws? Some of them are bent at the top which would give you the angle for the smoke. The straw can go directly into the funnel as it is already food grade.
Another way would be to pipe out an L shaped cloud/smoke with candy melts and stick the popcorn on it. To make it more 3D, pipe it out twice and stick the two halves together with a wooden dowel in between. Let it dry nice and firm and stick it directly into the funnel.

Hope the suggestions help. 🙂


Thankyou so much


You’re welcome Alicain. Hope your puffer train turns out good. 🙂

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