Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked April 15th 2020

CakeFlix Master

I registered for the Foundation Programme, when will I know if I got in or not?

Thank you,


I registered for the Foundation Programme, when will I know if I got in or not?

Thank you,


Hi Alexis

The plan is to launch early May, but the crisis has slowed some elements down a little.
We are still working hard to get the finishing touches to the Programme and still hoping to be live the first week in May.
We have your details on record so you will be given time to sign up before going pubic.

I will email everyone who have registered their interest in the first week in May. Hopefully with details of how to sign up, but if there’s a delay, I will be able to give a specific launch date at that time.

Please contact me directly on [email protected] if you have any questions at all.

Kind regards

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