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asked October 18th 2020

How to access CakeFlix TV

How to access CakeFlix TV

Hi dear
I didn’t able to access in class tv . I didn’t get code yet . Please help to access .


How to access CakeFlix TV

Hi dear
I didn’t able to access in class tv . I didn’t get code yet . Please help to access .


Hi Nelofer

If you are trying to access Cakeflix tv, you will find the app in the resources tab. Here is the link:

CakeFlix.TV Apps

If your question is about the tutorial videos on the Cakeflix site, please send a message to the site using this following form:

Contact Us

Hope this helps. 🙂


Hi Nelofer

It looks like you had previously registered on CakeFlix.TV which meant that the system was unable to link your Pro membership account. I have cleared that and sent you log in details to CakeFlix.TV.

The password is automatically generated and can be changed when signed in to CakeFlix.TV via the My Account option.

Let me know if you have any problems at all at [email protected].

Happy viewing!
Kind regards

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