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asked September 7th 2023

Wedding cake size

Iā€™m needing help in deciding what size wedding cake (2 tier), to serve 60 guests. My cakes are about 6ā€ tall, 4 layers each. The charts are confusing, as show different amounts.


Iā€™m needing help in deciding what size wedding cake (2 tier), to serve 60 guests. My cakes are about 6ā€ tall, 4 layers each. The charts are confusing, as show different amounts.


Hi Tomandhen123

In the case of 6 inch tall, 4 layer cake, I usually place a card at the mid point. It helps with cutting regular size portions instead of one deep portion which then requires cutting again at the point of serving.

Use the cake portions calculator to help you decide the size of each tier to yield sufficient portions for 60 guests.

Portion Calculator

Hope this helps šŸ™‚


Hello Tomandhen,

The depth of the cake only impacts on the number of portions is the tier is split into layers, thereby effectively creating another slab with the same surface area.

You need to also decide the portion sizes. Normally it would be 2″x1″ for sponge, chocolate etc and 1″x1″ for fruit cake cuttings, but always check with the venue if you are not cutting yourself.

Also the shape, square or round has an impact.

Once you have decided whether you want to split each tier (2 layers each) or keep as a single piece, have decided on your portion size and the shape of the cake, you will get the answers via the Cake Portions Calculator…

Portion Calculator

Get in touch if you need any guidance.
Kind regards, David šŸ™‚

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